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New Member Survey

Welcome to the HerSoul, MySoul Community, where your journey to self-discovery, growth, and empowerment begins! To help us create a supportive and transformative experience tailored to your needs, we’d love to learn more about you.

Your input will help us shape content, resources, and events that align with your unique journey. Thank you for taking the time to share your heart with us—we’re honored to walk alongside you on this path!

How did you hear about the membership?
What are your expectations in joining this community?
Are you a business owner?
Not yet, but soon!
What’s your current employment status?
9-5 job with my business on the side
Full time entrepreneur, baby!
I have a job and plan to launch my business soon
How much time do you have to commit to your personal development on a daily basis?
0-3 hours/week
3-6 hours/week
6+ hours/week
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